I had two annoying experiences few days before the municipal elections that took place in Mumbai. The incidence depicted the apathy of the “so called” educated middle class who claim to be the “thinkers” in the society.
This time when elections were round the corner I reminded every patien that came to me that they should surely vote on the day of election. One very posh patient’s husband said ” Voting? I never go for voting? what is the point in wasting time?” I Isaid ” If you don’t vote how can you get the right candidate who will do something for you.and then you have no reason to complain. He simply said “Who is complaining? I know that there is no point in complaining. I neither complain nor vote.” This was very annoying and disturbing. On one hand there is a movement for accountability and transparency so that good people should get elected and there should be good governance.In Anna’s movement many educated and middle class participated and even showed their anger towards the existing system. And when it comes to making a change, we shy away from it and don’t even bother to vote!
Another educated friend of mine said that she does not even know who is contesting the election. She said that she is going to vote for the best looking symbol! Although I understand that the educated middle class has lost faith in politicians, such apathy and irresponsible behavior is painful.
On the other hand in this elections there was a group of school and college children who went door to door to mobilise voters to come down and vote. These yougsters have showed us the way. May be if we would have done this when wewere young, the picture would have been different today. Here is the picture of these young girls and boys