Before i start this blog, let me pray that no reader should need a doctor and no one should fall ill ever. Of course one may need a doctor even when there is no sickness! We gynaecologists are the lucky ones. People need us even when they are not ill… They come to us for cheerful and good things… that is pregnancy and child birth!
So coming back to topic of doctor selection. Usually people go to the doctor close by or ask some one and choose the doctor. But that is not enough. One must try to find out little more.
Qualification: It all starts from qualification. Have you checked the qualification of the doctor? Does the doctor hold a specialist or postgraduate degree such as MD/ MS/ DNB? Or is the doctor a graduate or commonly called as family physician or GP? One can also check if the doctor is registered with respective medical council by checking the website of the council.
Experience: One should try and find out how experienced the doctor is. This can be found out from the year of qualification too. It is a good idea to ask for a short bio sketch from the clinic.
Professional excellence: This can be assessed by checking out whether the doctor has received any fellowships, medals for the work done in his professional life. An internet savvy person can also find out more about whether the doctor has done any research publications and whether the doctor has been called as faculty.
Visiting hours and clinic: It is obvious that the visiting hours should be convenient. A general ambiance and professionalism at the clinic can give a rough idea about the work ethos at the clinic.
Meeting the doctor: Ask yourself these questions:
Does the doctor give patient hearing to you? Does the doctor take relevant notes? Does he do a thorough examination? Does the doctor “talk”? Does the doctor provide some information about what is exactly happening to you or is it just a prescription in the hand? Does the doctor answer questions?
It is important that you “like” the doctor. And if you don’t then you should consider changing the doctor!!